fine furniture & woodwork

jess ouyang

The woodworking, knitting, yoga, and various thoughts of Jess Ouyang. 

day 11

Half-blinds that I snuck off to work on this weekend

Half-blinds that I snuck off to work on this weekend

It's the last week for me. (There's a Further Techniques, aka Week 4, but I'm not staying for that, sadly.) A bit of a frenzy as I try to get everything done. 

Jim even warned us to slow down and not hurt ourselves this morning. 

Remember that poplar I broke down and stickered and proceeded to hide under my bench last week? Yes, that came back today for doweling. 

No pictures of the process. It takes a really long time to drill, it turns out. Half of the dowel holes were done on the horizontal mortiser. (Drilling is way less terrifying than mortising on that machine.) The rest were done on the drill press. 

I'm in the process of fitting the joints now. Lots of hand planing to get everything trued and fit nicely. 

I honed my chisels this morning, clearly the wrong choice in the constant roulette wheel of What Do I Sharpen Now, because I need my low angle block plane for end grain and it's leaving white streaks again. (I blame the glue-trick for dovetails.)

Jess Ouyang