Bird's eye maple frames
Bird's eye maple frames
Otter proposal
Bird's eye maple and cherry
Approx. 9" x 9" x 0.75"
Drawing By Nikki DeSautelle
Nikki's drawing was the impetus for me to learn how to make frames. The drawing made me think of my sister and both are now in my sister's possession. I made this frame using a sliding compound miter saw. The slots for the decorative cherry splines were cut after the frame was glued on a table saw.
Nan Shepherd
Bird's eye maple, Cherry, And Handmade kozo & feather [aper
7.5" x 5.5" 0.75"
Paper by Share Studios
This frame is made entirely from the cut-offs. As it turns out, finding a good use for cut-offs occupies a great deal of my woodworking endeavor.
The quote is from Nan Shepherd's The Living Mountain: "That it was a traffic of love is sufficiently clear; but love pursued with fervour is one of the roads to knowledge."