fine furniture & woodwork

jess ouyang

The woodworking, knitting, yoga, and various thoughts of Jess Ouyang. 

things i think about every day

I am building a wall cabinet in pear wood for my first project. Engrossed as I am with the task, my mind still wanders. In the middle of walking to school, of planing or sharpening, I'll inevitably catch my mind replaying one of these themes. Some of these thoughts have been with me since childhood, refined and shaped over the years, but fundamentally the same. 

The questions

Have I moved closer to beauty? Or have I only made another series of compromises? 

Compromises will eventually compound in error until beauty is unattainable. 

The first tells of my satisfaction, fulfillment; the second, my anxiety levels. 

Dessa’s Fighting Fish

I’ve got a lot of imperfections / But I don’t count my ambitions in them. 

I didn’t come looking for love / I didn’t come to pick a fight / I come here every night to work / you can grab an axe or step aside. 

The natural

Tamora Pierce’s Alanna wanted to be a knight and masqueraded as her twin brother to do it. She is most excited to learn how to sword fight, but is humiliated in her first bout by a boy who her guard says is “a bit of a natural.”

“Can you train to be a natural?” she asks.

Then she borrows her guard’s sword, too heavy for her, to train and answers the question for herself. 

I ask myself: if they say you can’t (and they often do), do you want the thing itself enough to do it regardless? Even if it turns out you truly can’t? And if they say you can, what good does that do you without the work?

I tell myself: when you decide you want a thing, let rising to the obstacle be your first reaction; go find out for yourself. 


A sister: my jumping-off point.

I remember glibly, callowly wondering why Philomela didn’t just write down her accusation for Procne to read. Why go to all this trouble of weaving the scene?

Not realizing that literacy is a privilege. And, more generally, having someone choose to teach you a skill is something that can be withheld all too easily.

Later, I learned that our word text comes from the Greek textos, or textile. 

I think of Philomela saying what she needed to say with the means she had. I think of Penelope unweaving by night. I think of Arachne’s skill at weaving getting her in trouble with a god.

I think I need to learn how to weave. 

Age quod agis

Do what you are doing. 

This is a luxury: the luxury of pursuit and the chase; to have purpose, feel aligned and resonant with it. I'm aware now that I’ve never been able to give my full energy and attention to the thing I wanted most before. 

Galway Kinnell's Wait

Don't go too early.
You're tired. But everyone's tired.
But no one is tired enough.

Jess Ouyang