fine furniture & woodwork

jess ouyang

The woodworking, knitting, yoga, and various thoughts of Jess Ouyang. 

Photo credit: Richard Weng

Photo credit: Richard Weng

I made this long-grain maple butcher block primarily to learn how to mill all of the pieces efficiently. I saw Paul making one in the shop and had to know how he did it. 

Imagine my excitement when I had it all glued up and realized it weighed about fifty pounds: "heavy enough to kill a man" (my exact description of the object's heft at the time). 

I had absolutely no use for it (this is true of a lot of things I make).

Luckily, I had Richard, a very accomplished amateur chef, the mastermind of many fine feasts in my youth, to take it off of my hands. 

I brought it to him in San Francisco. He and it now reside in Brooklyn. 

Jess Ouyang