day 4
Planes, finally.
I have the beginnings of two functioning wooden hand planes. Finally, though maybe unexpectedly quickly.
I love being able to shape the plane bodies. The smoothing plane I kept adjusting, returning to the band- and table- saws to trim a bit more, change the angle a bit.
I have tiny hands and most tools are way too big for my natural grip. (And height. And weight. No, I've never noticed that I'm smaller than the average adult, thanks for pointing out the lumber cart I built is bigger than me.) It's nice to have the opportunity to customize.
On the long plane, Todd suggested I use the planer to take off some of the thickness of the cheeks, to make the plane thinner overall. I'm really liking the effect. It fits neatly into my grip. And it's surprisingly light for being such an extensive plane.
I tapered the end of the smoothing plane (I tried a few angles to get to this one). The front, I shortened a couple of times, and might still shape a bit more. I'll use it in tomorrow's edge-joining lesson and see how it goes before I make any more cuts. The boxy shape is strangely pleasing to me.
I'm still surprised how much shaping you can do with just a low-angle block plane and a couple of small files. It's slower than the drum- and belt-sanders, but I also feel more in control. Not having to wrestle my piece from many RPMs and mysterious mechanical parts.
I'm already planning palm-of-my-hand small planes I want to make. Something that works nicely for box-making projects.
In other news, I'm acclimating to my bachelor/grad school lifestyle. I did laundry, changed the sheets, and fed myself -- all manner of mundane things I take for granted when I'm in my own home and not physically drained. The strangest thing is probably being alone for all of the time that I'm not at the College. It's curiously familiar and pleasant.