fine furniture & woodwork

jess ouyang

The woodworking, knitting, yoga, and various thoughts of Jess Ouyang. 

day 15

Dennis's cabinet in glue-up demonstration

Dennis's cabinet in glue-up demonstration

This is likely to be my last post in a while, since I've just finished Tools & Techniques. 

Today, we got a talk on the graphics and grain selection for projects. The most vivid example was the cabriole legs below. The difference between them is staggering, especially next to each other. 

Good rift sawn match to cabriole leg curve (front), rift sawn grain doesn't match curve (middle), flat sawn sadness (back)

Good rift sawn match to cabriole leg curve (front), rift sawn grain doesn't match curve (middle), flat sawn sadness (back)

We also got a demonstration on a cabinet carcase glue-up, which looks highly stressful. There's a way of angling the bar clamps to straighten out any skew in the cabinet, that I still don't quite grasp. 

I haven't glued up any of my cabinet pieces, for the sake of transporting my projects back home, and also for having a reference to deconstruct later. I'm not particularly attached to the object, only the process of making it. It helps me to have a mock up to understand what's visible and critical. I might end up writing all over this one. 

There's a fourth week of Further Techniques (already full), but only four or five people from T&T are staying for it. There was nearly a complete bench turn-over today. 

View of the instructor's bench

View of the instructor's bench

The elephant is the (official?) mascot of the program. I've been staring at this green Carlsberg pendant in the upper left of the wall behind the instructor's bench for three weeks, trying to figure out there I've seen it before. 

Figured it out today. (I had a bunch of down time between packing, cleaning, and reviewing notes.)

Fernando Torres at Liverpool. 

It all makes sense and it's like I was meant to be here. 

Jess Ouyang